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Monday, April 26, 2010

The Rest of the Story: Nintendo Edition

The year was 1987. Justice Bird, an easy-going youngster with a friendly grin, a quick wit, and an unquenchable thirst for life, was passing some time playing with his legos. His little brother Danny approached saying, "This Nintendo game isn't working right." Naturally, Justice Bird called him a baby and told him to get lost, but he continued to whine. After hearing "Come oooon, FIX IT!" for an hour and a half, Justice Bird finally snapped. "Try blowing on it!!!" he screamed.

The rest, as they say, is history. Justice Bird's simple yet ingenious method swept across the globe like a wildfire, completely revolutionizing the home entertainment industry. Now, whenever you hear "this game isn't working right" and the inevitable suggestion of "try blowing on it" you'll think of that fateful day.

And now you know The Rest of the Story.


Highroller said...

Justice Bird not only changed the political world but also the entertainment word. Amazing fella...

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